Thursday, July 16, 2009

Garage Sale

Summer is here! Now is the perfect time to have a garage sale and make cash while getting rid of your clutter. There are many seasoned “garage salers” who are on the hunt for bargains each weekend. Why not consider hosting a garage sale to take advantage of the weather. You will be glad you did. Many people are surprised by the income generated for just a few hours of work.

Be prepared and do not overlook details such as:

Change-be prepared and have fives, loonies & toonies ready to give change

Speaking of change, have a petty cash box or fanny pack to hold your “chi-ching”

Be sure to label all items with price stickers, some shoppers won’t take the time to ask the price-you do not want to lose a sale.

Good luck!

Lurlene Anderson
Professional Organizer


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Hiring a Professional Organizer

Hire a professional organizer with patience & understanding. It is ok to “interview” a professional organizer to ensure you will hire someone you feel comfortable with and you feel is non-judgmental. Some people feel shame in their clutter. It can happen to anyone. Clutter can be triggered by several reasons such as a loss of a loved one, learned behaviour or past crisis, the fears are exaggerated and they need “things” around them to feel safe.

Lurlene Anderson

Professional Organizer

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Yes I am a Professional Organizer

So today I was (again) organizing my paperwork-It always feels great when it's done and I had an "AHA" moment. Even though I am naturally organized, I still have to maintain my own system. All you disorganized people out there, take note, don't feel bad, it is always a work in progress. (And yes, I do have a "junk" drawer...)

Lurlene Anderson
Professional Organizer

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Organizing tip for teachers

Here’s an organizing tip for teachers that is environmentally friendly. In every school, there is always a surplus of cardboard boxes that hold reams of paper. Use these boxes to store classroom supplies. They are easy to label-You can also use them in your cube storage counter space. Put them horizontally in the counter space, and then fill them. If you have a classroom change, you can easily remove them (most boxes have built in handles). No need to pack and unpack!

Lurlene Anderson
Professional Organizer

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Creating Space

Feeling overwhelmed by clutter? Don't know where to start?

Here's a few tips:

Hire a professional organizer-don't worry, you won't be judged. There are many caring professional and non-judgemental organizes to choose from.

Schedule time

Start in small doses

I'll be back with more...

Lurlene Anderson