Monday, October 31, 2011

Organizing Just for YOU

Whenever I am asked what solutions I provide for my clients, I have to talk about the fact that there are several ways to organize based on personalized needs. I never provide the same solution for each and every client.

Everyone thinks and act differently, that is why getting organizing is such a personal process.

When you organize, you have to constantly keep in mind what will work best for you. After you sort and purge, you want to create a habit to maintain control of your clutter. Keep it as simple as possible; organize your things in a way that works for you.

There are 2 main activities that are the same for everyone- sort and purge.


Always have a clear space ready to sort. As you sort, pile like items with like (similar/same) items.


Purging is a very important and necessary process. I know it can be painful, but the benefits in the long run will be worth it. No pain, no gain.


• Duplicates

• Anything you no longer use

• Anything you no longer love

Purge a second time and do not hold on to damaged or beyond repair items.

I also recommend that you purchase (if necessary) your organizing solutions (baskets, containers, pantry or similar items) after you have sorted and purged your items. You can then decide on products that are the correct size and avoid purchasing duplicates that you will have to return to the store (or forget to return!). In fact, you may not have to purchase something new-you may already have solutions in your home that will suffice. How wonderful would that be!

There are a plethora of products available to fit any budget. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on organizing products. Check flyers for sale items or compare prices before you buy.

Lurlene Anderson
Professional Organizer,
Writer, Speaker

Friday, October 7, 2011

Personalized Organization-Just For You!

I know I’ve mentioned this before, but I really love the “Before” and “After” effect of organizing. When I work with a customer who is ready to roll up their sleeves to tackle their clutter, it inspires me. I love to be inspired by my clients.

Today I am inspired by a client with 2 young children who was anxious to get organized. I received a call from her two weeks ago, she was ready and willing to get started AND finish on her own but just didn’t know where to start. After visiting her home, I set up a personalized plan just for her, based on the space in her home and her needs. She was very motivated and I had complete confidence in her, I enjoyed being her cheerleader. She told me, that she would “make me proud”.

Keep in mind, with two children, one an infant with round the clock needs and a school age child to be dropped off in the morning and after school, it is difficult to find time in the day to focus on additional tasks. I am proud to say I received a call from my client today; she wanted me to see what she accomplished in 2 weeks. I give her a huge gold star and two thumbs up. She did an excellent job and is ready to entertain guests this weekend! I had a huge smile on my face as she showed me around her new space. I have to say, her smile was just as large as mine and yes, I am very proud of her!

Lurlene Anderson
Professional Organizer