Sunday, April 25, 2010

Yesterday I cleaned my windows. I guess you could say I “cleared” my windows...

It always feels great after you clean your windows, the sun shines through a lot brighter and the air always smells and feels cleaner as the breeze blows through the windows. I had to remind myself of the benefits before I tackled clearing my windows yesterday.
Before I started, I assembled all my old towels and cleaning rags (damaged clothes that I cut into rags) and mismatched socks. I put old towels on the floor and placed the windows on them as I took the panes out of the windows. I always use many cleaning rags for cleaning the window because I like to clean the windows twice, once to remove the dirt and a second cleaning for the shine. Single socks are great for cleaning the hard to reach tracks of the window. Any difficult corners are cleaned with cotton swabs. I had my tunes on loud enough to hear as I moved from room to room. Some people sing in the shower, I sing when I work!
When I finished, I needed a hot bath, more good tunes but the choice this time is ballads, and the singing continues.
Today, the sun is not shining as brightly outside, but I am still enjoying the view and the air is perfect-almost as fresh as sitting outside. I am happy I motivated myself and enjoying my day off.
Next week I will get motivated for the next step in spring clearing. I know the benefits will be worth it!

Lurlene Anderson
Professional Organizer, Writer, Speaker

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Walk That Motivates!

One of my favourite times to walk is during the spring, especially on a sunny day with a cool, light breeze. Today was just one of those days. Everyone always appears to be in a good mood and will nod their head or give a quick smile and hello as they pass you by.
I just love to hear the different songs of birds in the trees and see plants in bloom. It is a wonderful season to witness new life and rejuvenation.
Today, I discovered I was smiling more than usual and really taking in the beauty of spring. It made me think of how I feel after I clear clutter. You know, those times when you clear space and you put everything in order. It always feels good to look at the renewed space and you keep sneaking a peak to enjoy it again and again.
The walk inspired me to tackle the pile of papers I need to shred and put in the recycling bin. I know when I finish I will have immense joy looking at the newly cleared space...

Lurlene Anderson
Professional Organizer

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Organize Your Home with Spring Clearing

With warm weather just around the corner, many of us are looking forward to the opportunity to renew and refresh our homes with spring cleaning. I prefer to call this time period spring “clearing”, a chance to revitalize your space!
Spring cleaning is rooted deep in many cultures. Homes are cleaned thoroughly; everything in the household is cleaned and dusted. Windows, walls, furniture, bedding, rugs, floors, cupboards, closets, garage and basements are all included in the cleaning. It is a time to reinvigorate the home to help create a healthy lifestyle. In Chinese culture, homes are cleaned thoroughly to remove misfortune & bad luck. What a concept! I like to get rid of the old; it creates room for the new and exciting.
When I spring clear, I usually start with my bedroom closet. It is a time for me to look at my winter clothing and give away anything I haven’t worn that season and to throw away anything that is damaged. I usually add to my cleaning rag supply at this time. A lot of the fabric of my old clothing makes great dusting or cleaning rags. I use rags as much as possible instead of paper towels.
I alternate the clothes in my closet seasonally. I purchased an under the bed storage container for this purpose. A word or two of caution: measure the height of your bed before you purchase a container to ensure it is low enough to fit under your bed. There are also fabric storage containers if you prefer fabric to plastic.
Keep following for more tips!

Lurlene Anderson
Professional Organizer, Writer, Speaker