Saturday, December 31, 2011

Gift Certificates are for Giving

There are many commonalities when I work with my clients. Just to name a few: loose change, excess junk mail or an abundance of gift certificates. Today, I am compelled to discuss gift certificates.

Gift certificates are a great idea for the person who has everything. It can be extra special if it is for a favourite store.

When you receive gift certificates, I always recommend keeping them together in one location. Some ideas are a decorative basket, vase, dish or box, and within your sight. If they are kept together, you will save time (and money!) searching for misplaced valuable gift certificates.

If you accumulate too many, it is time to start using them. There are several ways to redeem the certificates.

1. Sale items

Check flyers for sales and save even more cash on your special purchase.

2. Treat yourself

What do you dream about constantly? What is your muse? Is there something you want but just don’t take the time to treat yourself? Recently I was given a coupon for one of my favourite stores, I was so excited by the thoughtfulness that it took me a few days to put the certificate to good use. It finally dawned on me that I should make the time to go out and buy the item I had been thinking about for the last 6 months or so. (Imagine that!) Every time I look at my new purchase it puts a smile on my face and I think fondly of my thoughtful friend who took the time to buy me the personalized gift certificate.

3. Pay it forward

There are many charities that could benefit from your gift certificate donation. Whether is used for much needed, essential items, it can also be used to raise funds. Not too long ago, I had the pleasure to serve on the Board for Girls Inc Durham. A non profit agency like Girls Inc can use the gift certificates to raise funds as an auction item.

However you decide to use your certificates, be sure to use them within 2 months. Don’t let them collect dust; enjoy and appreciate the gift of giving!

Lurlene Anderson
Professional Organizer
Writer & Speaker

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Seven steps to a Clutter Free Christmas!

Christmas is a special time, a wonderful season and reason to spend time and catch up with family, friends and loved ones. It is also a time when you feel the most stress; too much to do in so little time. Here’s a few tips to help you clear the clutter in your home so you can look forward to entertaining.

You can clear your home with a check list of easy to do steps. Before you start, have bags and bins ready for sorting.

Step 1

Go through your home and put all the recycling in your recycle bin or bag.

Step 2

Gather all items you no longer use, love or damaged. Put all the usable items in a bag and donate to charity. A lot of Thrift Stores will pick up from your home; the pickup will help save you time for other priorities.

Step 3

Put all trash items together to be disposed.

Step 4

Put all the dishes in your dishwasher or sink to wash right away.

Step 4

Clear and wipe clean all table top and counter surfaces.

Step 5


Step 6

Wash the floors

Step 7

Clean the bathrooms. And remember to hang fresh, clean towels!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Organizing Just for YOU

Whenever I am asked what solutions I provide for my clients, I have to talk about the fact that there are several ways to organize based on personalized needs. I never provide the same solution for each and every client.

Everyone thinks and act differently, that is why getting organizing is such a personal process.

When you organize, you have to constantly keep in mind what will work best for you. After you sort and purge, you want to create a habit to maintain control of your clutter. Keep it as simple as possible; organize your things in a way that works for you.

There are 2 main activities that are the same for everyone- sort and purge.


Always have a clear space ready to sort. As you sort, pile like items with like (similar/same) items.


Purging is a very important and necessary process. I know it can be painful, but the benefits in the long run will be worth it. No pain, no gain.


• Duplicates

• Anything you no longer use

• Anything you no longer love

Purge a second time and do not hold on to damaged or beyond repair items.

I also recommend that you purchase (if necessary) your organizing solutions (baskets, containers, pantry or similar items) after you have sorted and purged your items. You can then decide on products that are the correct size and avoid purchasing duplicates that you will have to return to the store (or forget to return!). In fact, you may not have to purchase something new-you may already have solutions in your home that will suffice. How wonderful would that be!

There are a plethora of products available to fit any budget. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on organizing products. Check flyers for sale items or compare prices before you buy.

Lurlene Anderson
Professional Organizer,
Writer, Speaker

Friday, October 7, 2011

Personalized Organization-Just For You!

I know I’ve mentioned this before, but I really love the “Before” and “After” effect of organizing. When I work with a customer who is ready to roll up their sleeves to tackle their clutter, it inspires me. I love to be inspired by my clients.

Today I am inspired by a client with 2 young children who was anxious to get organized. I received a call from her two weeks ago, she was ready and willing to get started AND finish on her own but just didn’t know where to start. After visiting her home, I set up a personalized plan just for her, based on the space in her home and her needs. She was very motivated and I had complete confidence in her, I enjoyed being her cheerleader. She told me, that she would “make me proud”.

Keep in mind, with two children, one an infant with round the clock needs and a school age child to be dropped off in the morning and after school, it is difficult to find time in the day to focus on additional tasks. I am proud to say I received a call from my client today; she wanted me to see what she accomplished in 2 weeks. I give her a huge gold star and two thumbs up. She did an excellent job and is ready to entertain guests this weekend! I had a huge smile on my face as she showed me around her new space. I have to say, her smile was just as large as mine and yes, I am very proud of her!

Lurlene Anderson
Professional Organizer

Monday, July 4, 2011

Need More Cupboard Space?

 A great solution for lack of storage is a pantry. In the past, a pantry was generally a separate room in the kitchen that was used to store food items-a storage area complete with shelving and a door. It is possible to purchase your own pantry and personalize it to suit your needs. There is a wide variety to choose from. Not to mention the array of colours and sizes; it is easy to find one that will fit perfectly into your space.

I am a firm believer in creative thinking and using items for different purposes. I just purchased a pantry for my kitchen and as I was putting it together, I began to think of the various uses for the one I purchased. It is a wood tone that would also be a great choice for a home office.

The benefit of a pantry is that it keeps items “out of sight” and therefore helps remove visual clutter from the room. Another great benefit is that the shelves are adjustable so you can control the height to store items by size.

Here are some ideas for “pantry” storage:


• Entertaining items such as serving trays, serviettes, paper plates & cutlery.

• Paper towels

• Recycle bin

• Bottles & cans

You can also store like items together in baskets. If you keep them together, you will see at a glance that you have enough and avoid duplicates and triplicate.

Home Office

• Paper

• Files

• Office Supplies

• Tax returns

• Manuals , notebooks & books

• Warranties

• Spare computer hardware, printer or parts

Laundry Room

• Detergent, fabric softener, bleach & spot remover

• Cleaning rags

Other uses

• Gift wrapping tools

• Sewing items

• Craft storage

• Christmas decorations

• Game storage

• Spare bedding & pillows

A final tip-Always store heavier items on the bottom shelf.

Lurlene Anderson

Professional Organizer, Writer, Speaker

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Organize and Clean in Minutes!

Years ago a group of friends rented a lovely cottage in a popular area. It was a great location, lots of space and great bedrooms for a large group of adults with children in tow. This particular group was very unique, we shared the “everything in its place” gene. We were quite upset that the rental was not up to our “white glove” status. We all keep our homes clean & clear, so at the beginning of our vacation we spent more time inside than outside. Why? We spent a lot of time putting things in order to our liking. You have to keep in mind, if you like having things in order; it is not a chore-it’s actually enjoyable. As our time there progressed, every time I walked into the cottage, it “sparkled” or “shined” a little more each time I walked through the door. The little things you do really make a difference.
What was the difference? We were all in synch; we all naturally and without a second thought, put things away as we used them and cleaned up after ourselves and our children. This sounds too simple but it really works!
Try these tips to make your rooms “shine”.

Remove any clutter from the room that has no purpose in the room

Dust all surfaces


  • Wipe down counter, fridge, stove and cupboard doors
  •  Clear the sink. Wash or put dishes in the dishwasher
  • Change the dish towel and dish cloth every third day or right after having guests 

Quick Tip:

Always keep the dishwasher locked after washing before putting dishes away. This helps avoid mixing clean with dirty. If the door is locked, everyone knows it’s time to put the dishes away, if it’s open, put dirty dishes directly into the dishwasher.


  • Clean all surfaces
  • Change towels
  •  Check to ensure you have extra toilet paper rolls
Last but not least...

Vacuum, sweep and mop floors.

Remember to:

  • Put things away immediately
  • Wipe down counters after putting dishes away
  • If it doesn’t belong in the room, it shouldn’t be there!
Enjoy the shine!

Lurlene Anderson
Professional Organizer, Writer, Speaker

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Spring Painting

I paint on a regular basis, during the Spring or Fall season. With all the rain recently I decided to paint so I can enjoy the Sunshine when it comes. I KNOW it is coming!
I enjoy painting, it relaxes me and gardening does the same. It is best to know what you are doing before you paint-you want a professional look. Here are some tips to help you organize your painting session.


Before you decide on a colour, bring the chip sample home to test in your home with your regular lighting.

Start with dry clean walls, free of dirt, dust and mould. (If you have a few spots of mould, clean it completely with bleach and allow it to dry completely).

Purchase good quality paint and brushes. You will need a good brush designed for corners. I buy a straight line roller design for the area between the ceiling and the wall. I find them easier to use.

If you need to prime the walls, prime them, this is a step you definitely cannot skip.

Keep damp rags ready to use for minor spills or mistakes. You can wipe it clean if you use a damp rag right away.


Paint electrical and light switch plates

Forget to cover the floors and furniture before painting

Try to save money and buy cheap paint. It will be more difficult to use and you will not be happy with the final result.

Lurlene Anderson
Professional Organizer, Writer, Speaker

Friday, April 22, 2011

Spring Cleaning Tips

It’s springtime, or is it? With the temperatures fluctuating day to day, it’s hard to believe it is actually Spring. This is the time of year to roll up your sleeves and “Spring Clean”, or as I prefer to say “Spring Clear”. Everyone could use a few time saving tips to speed up the process, preferring to “get er done” during the rainy season to be able to enjoy the sunny weather.

Create your own to-do list with the following tips. If you choose to hire someone, be prepared with the list of things to do.

Main Closet

 Be prepared with bins to separate recycling, re purpose and donated items
 Move winter outerwear to an alternate closet, if available. If not, move winter items to the back.
 Donate items that are too small
 Do not keep damaged or mismatched items
 If necessary, install a shoe shelf. You will more than double the space for shoes

2. Refrigerator

 Wipe down shelves and walls with a solution of water & vinegar. For stains, try water & baking soda. Be sure to clean between the door
 Check expiry dates on all containers. Remove all expired and old food

3. Flooring

 Steam clean the carpets
 Clean baseboards


 Wipe down walls, start with a sponge and rinse with a cloth


 Clean the inside (Hey, it’s rainy season...) with water, vinegar, and squeegee. Dry with a cloth
 Wash curtains or clean blinds

When you’re done, you can sit back, relax and enjoy the view!

Lurlene Anderson
Professional Organizer, Speaker, Writer

Friday, March 4, 2011

Organize Your Home

Are you afraid to invite anyone over due to clutter? Or apologize to unexpected guests for the mess?
It is very easy to become overwhelmed when clutter takes over. There is also a cure. You can achieve peace and harmony in your home if you make a commitment. It takes practice and if you are ready here’s a few tips:

1. Start small start in a small room or try in stages. Take it slow so that you don’t feel overwhelmed. You will begin to see the “light at the end of the tunnel” as you chip away bit by bit.

2. Create a habit to keep each room clear of items that do not belong in the room. Things that do not belong in the room should have a “home” in the appropriate room.

3. Put things away as soon as you return home. This will help keep your entrance clear and free of clutter.

For more ideas and solutions, visit

Lurlene Anderson
Professional Organizer, Writer, Speaker