Friday, April 22, 2011

Spring Cleaning Tips

It’s springtime, or is it? With the temperatures fluctuating day to day, it’s hard to believe it is actually Spring. This is the time of year to roll up your sleeves and “Spring Clean”, or as I prefer to say “Spring Clear”. Everyone could use a few time saving tips to speed up the process, preferring to “get er done” during the rainy season to be able to enjoy the sunny weather.

Create your own to-do list with the following tips. If you choose to hire someone, be prepared with the list of things to do.

Main Closet

 Be prepared with bins to separate recycling, re purpose and donated items
 Move winter outerwear to an alternate closet, if available. If not, move winter items to the back.
 Donate items that are too small
 Do not keep damaged or mismatched items
 If necessary, install a shoe shelf. You will more than double the space for shoes

2. Refrigerator

 Wipe down shelves and walls with a solution of water & vinegar. For stains, try water & baking soda. Be sure to clean between the door
 Check expiry dates on all containers. Remove all expired and old food

3. Flooring

 Steam clean the carpets
 Clean baseboards


 Wipe down walls, start with a sponge and rinse with a cloth


 Clean the inside (Hey, it’s rainy season...) with water, vinegar, and squeegee. Dry with a cloth
 Wash curtains or clean blinds

When you’re done, you can sit back, relax and enjoy the view!

Lurlene Anderson
Professional Organizer, Speaker, Writer