Monday, April 30, 2012

New Baby, New Routine


Bringing your new baby home is very exciting-especially if it’s your first child. The new addition also requires a lot more of your time and it is very helpful to establish a new routine and “Organize Your NEW World”. Do your best to plan a regular routine as soon as possible.

Here are a few tips to help you adjust:

  • When offered help, don’t be shy, accept the help. Sharing chores with a family member or a good friend is always a great idea. It will give you time to unwind, take a relaxing bath or go for a walk.  

  • There are many ways to comfort a crying baby other than rocking or swinging. A walk in the stroller, driving in a car or vacuuming while the baby is in your baby sling is other solutions.

  • For quick, homemade meals try mashed potatoes or bananas.

  • Pleasant, relaxing music in your baby’s room will help relax your child to sleep.

  • Keep all baby items in one location. If all items are together, you will save time searching and avoid having to make an unnecessary trip to the store. Baskets or boxes will do the trick. You may not have to purchase a new basket, look around your home for something suitable. You may even find a suitable gift bag from your baby shower that is a perfect fit!

  • Try to put the baby to sleep at a regular bedtime. During the day, try to nap when your baby naps 

Lurlene Anderson
