Thursday, July 16, 2009

Garage Sale

Summer is here! Now is the perfect time to have a garage sale and make cash while getting rid of your clutter. There are many seasoned “garage salers” who are on the hunt for bargains each weekend. Why not consider hosting a garage sale to take advantage of the weather. You will be glad you did. Many people are surprised by the income generated for just a few hours of work.

Be prepared and do not overlook details such as:

Change-be prepared and have fives, loonies & toonies ready to give change

Speaking of change, have a petty cash box or fanny pack to hold your “chi-ching”

Be sure to label all items with price stickers, some shoppers won’t take the time to ask the price-you do not want to lose a sale.

Good luck!

Lurlene Anderson
Professional Organizer


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Hiring a Professional Organizer

Hire a professional organizer with patience & understanding. It is ok to “interview” a professional organizer to ensure you will hire someone you feel comfortable with and you feel is non-judgmental. Some people feel shame in their clutter. It can happen to anyone. Clutter can be triggered by several reasons such as a loss of a loved one, learned behaviour or past crisis, the fears are exaggerated and they need “things” around them to feel safe.

Lurlene Anderson

Professional Organizer

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Yes I am a Professional Organizer

So today I was (again) organizing my paperwork-It always feels great when it's done and I had an "AHA" moment. Even though I am naturally organized, I still have to maintain my own system. All you disorganized people out there, take note, don't feel bad, it is always a work in progress. (And yes, I do have a "junk" drawer...)

Lurlene Anderson
Professional Organizer